The new companies I have been checking with will not insure my home with the pool if it has a slide or diving board. Some will insure it for double the cost but since my kids won't pay the additional cost the pool now appears as you see it in the picture. What to do with the slide and board area is the subject of this blog. Updated pictures will follow.
Last weekend I started the transformation, which you should have read in my last blog. If you didn't read it yet stop here and go back and get caught up, I'll wait. OK, so now you know I moved two large ferns, tore up some wood and moved some stones. What to do from here.
Today I went to Lowes and purchased a bunch of plants for around the yard including the aforementioned area. We are looking at adding more low maintenance plants and maybe a bird bath or something to this area, along with a table or tanning bed in place of the diving board. Trying to figure out what to put there and make it all come together is half the fun.
This is going to be a short blog because I am getting tired and need to get my rest. I will continue to work on the changes and post updates as they are getting done. Remember that as a sixty something, full time working, motorcycle riding, when will I find time for that kind of guy this could take a while. I will do my best to update regularly and if not my loving wife who's other full time job is to keep me on the straight and narrow will make sure I do.
Dad, i am sad to see the diving board gone and i am sure the kids will be too, but seeing that none of us want to pay for it-i guess it had to go. Well, the kids will certainly be safer now that they can no longer do death-defying sommersaults off the board. It looks pretty where the slide used to be. You are such a hard worker, i can't imagine doing all the physical activity you do and i am 23 years younger than you! You're awesome. Love you. Miss you