Sunday, June 14, 2009

A true week in review

This time it really has only been a week since my last blog. The pool was filled and ready for the party and arrival of the grand kids although not without a few problems. The water needed to be tested and chemicals added to get the right balance. I'm not sure it is still exactly where it should be but it looks good and the kids have been having a ball. There was a number of leaks and even a huge leak that occurred during the night which drained the water level at least three inches before the pumped was stopped. It turned out a fitting came apart and i had to get the PVC glue required to make the repair on Friday night to get ready for the Saturday party. It all worked out, though there is still a leak i need to work on fixing.

I got to ride the bike two times this week which was really nice. I rode Monday and then again Friday. It was kind of a rough week so Friday's ride was especially nice. I was going to take off Friday but a few problems came up and i decided it was best to go to work. Thankfully i was able to leave a little earlier and take the long way home. I actually felt better after the ride. Every time i think about getting rid of the bike i just go for a ride and that ends that thought. Well tomorrow it starts all over again but i am thankful that i have a job.

If you read Michele's blog you will see that there were some problems and they almost weren't able to come down for vacation. If you didn't read her blog the bottom line is that there were car problems and they wouldn't be able to drive down as planned. But by God's grace everything worked out and they are here now as we speak, or read or whatever they call this form of communication today. Bottom line is that they are here and the pool is getting used.

Update from last weeks blog; the yucky looking sores from the bug bites is nearly healed. I am really trying to be more aware of the fact that i am VERY susceptible to bug bites and though that isn't going to stop me from working in the yard i am taking precautions against the bites. I also did a lot of work around the yard Saturday morning to get everything ready for Brittney's party and actually got tired enough to take a nap after lunch. Unfortunately my family got worried that i was napping. As much as i appreciate their concern, I am of advanced age and have a serious medical condition. My family is great in their concern even though i don't get much sympathy, so the nap gave me a little rest and a little sympathy.

That about wraps up this week. I am looking forward to another wonderful week in sunny Florida. We have the whole family here for the next couple of weeks and even though any kind of normalcy goes out the window it is great to be able to get everyone together. I am looking forward to getting a couple more rides in and maybe get a day or two off from work. Everyone have a great week and remember that everything works together for good to those that love the Lord.


  1. Rudi,
    so glad you leg is healing... do take care... do get those naps when you need them... whether you get sympathy or not.

    Say Hi to Michele for me... and the family. I left a rather long reply at her blog concerning the car trouble.

    I am not sure if she has had time to view my blog or if her problems with viewing my blog are solved. Others have been able to view it, and comment so the problem must be on her end. I guess we will try and figure that out when she gets back home.

    Have a great week with the grandkids, enjoy them, take lots of pictures, put some on your blog so I can see.

    Keep ridin'

  2. Dad
    I had such a wonderful vacation with you guys and enjoyed the pool very much. It looks and feels beautiful and we all apreciate all the hard work and much money you have put into it. The yard looks better than it did last year and it is beginning to look like a tropical vacation spot in the back. You work so hard and hardly ever rest and you definately deserve a nap every now and then;) I am glad you can finally take a rest. Thank you so much for helping us get down there this year. We could not have done it without yours and mom's untiring generosity. I love you so much and can not wait until my family can move down their to be together with you.
