On Thursday we got up early, and went out for a nice leisurely breakfast overlooking a beautiful wooded area that seemed to go as far as the eye could see. After breakfast we went to Callaway Gardens to find where we could rent the bicycles that would take us on our two wheel tour of the beauty that is Callaway Gardens. After a bit of huffing and puffing from pedaling our two wheel conveyances we settled in for a leisurely tour of the gardens. We rode for two hours with a short stop to tour the butterfly garden and then returned the bikes.
We spent some time at the Discovery center and then went to the bird of prey exhibit. They had a hawk an owl and a vulture. The owl at one point flew so close over my head I could feel the breeze. It was a very interesting presentation and we learned more about how God created all of His world to work together. Even the facts about the buzzards and how they are able to clean up what could otherwise be deadly to us from decaying roadkill. I have a new found respect for those scavengers we see along the side of the road.
After this we went for what we enjoy the most, another meal. We had a nice lunch on the grounds and watched the ducks and turtles in the pond. We wanted to go and see the chapel in the woods so after lunch we headed out toward the chapel. It is an actual chapel with stain glass windows and a real organ constructed in the woods. We went inside and it was so peaceful and quiet that it was awesome. The bible in the pulpit was open to psalm 23 which seemed to be appropriate. People actually used the chapel for weddings; how cool is that.
Michele, you may want to skip over this paragraph. After leaving the chapel and walking to an overlook that gives you a spot from which to get a great picture of the chapel we got ready to take a couple of pictures. Of course just as we were ready to take some pictures two young people rode their bikes right in front of the chapel and decided to park them there. We asked them nicely to remove their bikes, which they did, and we took pictures. After looking around a bit we spotted a spider hanging in the air. We couldn't see a web but not wanting to disturb the spider we backed away a bit. The spider started coming toward us as if its web was attached to us. We stopped and the spider stopped. We moved back a bit more and the spider moved with us as if we were still part of its web. What was going on here, was this an attack spider? Now we were starting to get frieked out and moved back a wee bit faster. At this point the spider was starting to look just a bit larger and a bit hairier. Of course it wasn't bothering me at all but I did have to think about Kim's well being. Just as we were preparing for the final attack, along came what looked like a mud wasp and attacked the spider. The wasp just kept hitting at the spider until finally the spider was motionless. We watched for a good while in amazement as the wasp kept after the spider till there was no more sign of spider life. We were amazed to see this small scale picture of nature in action. After stomping on the wasp we moved on.
On Friday we spent some more time in the gardens and then went to the town of Pine Mountain which is mostly antique stores and quaint shops. We did purchase a couple of item in town and had a really nice lunch in an old fashioned soda fountain. We bought something that we had to pick up later in the afternoon so we decided that we would get some reading material and go back to the gardens and find a quiet shady spot and read.
We had a wonderful trip to celebrate our anniversary together. I got a few good ideas for the gardens I have planned around the house. It was nice to just get away for a few days and leave the daily routine behind. We had a great uneventful trip back, everything was fine with the house when we returned and we had a wonderful day today. Tomorrow it is back to the normal routine. I am looking forward to a full weeks vacation away which will be in February when we are scheduled to go on a cruise. Until then I am thankful for many things; my family, my church, the fact i have a job, that we are able to plan a vacation, my health, and my loving wife.
Glad you guys had such a great time. We just celbrated our 25th anniversary. Congrats on 42 years of commitment and supporting one another.
ReplyDeletesounds like you had a great time.
ReplyDeleteyou are so lucky there was a killer wasp to protect you from that awful spider. I would have passed out if i was there.
Well, i love you. Maybe i will update my blog later today.