Well, I shed a few tears this weekend. I am not sure if it is because of the picture on the right or on the left. I took off time from work on Thursday and Friday to put down a new floor in the living room and hallway. We have talked about this for quite some time and finally picked out what we wanted, purchased twenty three boxes, loaded them in the truck put them in the house and started the process of laying the floor at around 0630 on Thursday April 15. By around 1230 I had the first row of floor almost done. I was tired, hungry and frustrated. This is not a job for an old guy like me. Cutting into the doors and trying to make everything fit perfectly is extremely tedious.I decided to stop for lunch and after enjoying a nice meatloaf and cheese sandwich and glass of sweet tea I was beginning to feel a little bit better. After another twenty minutes of being on my knees and going outside and cutting the pieces and back on my knees to fit them in place I remembered why I didn't want to be doing this job. Kim was working and when she came home, her reaction to seeing the partially completely floor was worth all the pain I was feeling. She absolutely loved it. After about ten hours of working on the floor I wasn't much further than what you see in the picture above, but Kim loved it. The rest of the job went much quicker since there were no more doors to have to cut around. Now for the rest of my tearful saga. The picture on the right is VERY SAD. This is a chair that has provided me with many a Sunday afternoon nap for over thirty years. My darling wife has gently suggested for quite some time now that this wonderful part of the family be put out to pasture. Can you imagine? Well, i finally gave in and said OK so the living room can be set up with new stuff. So with tears rolling down my cheeks Kim and I carried my old friend out to the curb where you see it sitting in the picture above. What is even more sad is that no one has come by to give her a new home. Be gentle when you post your thoughts concerning this very sad moment. On the bright side I acquired two new tools that I absolutely had to have to complete this job. My nephew Michael loaned me a table saw and radial arm saw and numerous hand tools that made the job so much more bearable and I am very thankful for that. I also had to make some cuts that required a sabre saw so I made a quick trip to the local K-Mart and purchased a new Sears Craftsman sabre saw. Saturday I purchased the threshold and quarter moldings and realized that I needed a hammer drill to install the molding to the concrete floor. It just happened that I was able to find one on sale at Lowes. So I guess it is out with the old and in with the new. I hope that doesn't apply to husbands and other old guys. More updates to come as we finish the details and furnish the room. My knees, back and other muscles I didn't even know I had are just starting to return to normal. My love to all.
Wow, Daddy, first of all, i love the way you write, i felt like i was there laying that floor down with you!(but thank God i wasnt', lol) Oh, man, i can only imagine how your muscles felt the next day, i am not envious of that. But--what a wonderful hubby my mom has--i can't believe you got rid of the chair!! I'm shocked. There's a little peice of history we won't get back, but, as you said, i'm glad that mom keeps you around instead of replacing you with a newer, more shiny model, lol. Your stamina never ceases to amaze my, nor your knowledge of all things DIY. You are a blessing. I love you soooo much!