Well, it is actually coming together. If you compare this picture to the last one you can actually see some improvements. Notice on the left hand side there is a threshold molding between the new floor and the tile. Fortunately that was an easy one so even till this day it is the only one done. You will also notice on the right side of the picture that there is a new addition to the room. I was careful in my photography not to show to much so you will want to come back for the next edition. One thing I have learned about floors or most other home improvement projects for that matter is that it doesn't end there. A new floor is just an excuse to have a place to hold all of the other things needed to fill a room. Remember the sad picture from the last blog! Out with the old faithful and in with the new. I have not been able to complete the finishing touches to this project because I have been helping to locate all the necessary items required to cover up this floor. For example, the chair [remember the sad picture] just was not going to work, so it had to go. The old sofa was just to nineties and it needed to move to the other room. Well looky here there is only a rocker and TV left; what are we going to do? How about some new furniture. In the picture you can see the corner of our new love seat which goes with our new sofa. Now the TV and stand don't go with the new look so they will need to move to the room where the old sofa went. Well, it looks like I have to look into getting a new wide screen LCD HD TV. Oh the sacrifices we sometimes have to make. I did my part and that will be included in the next blog. With the new sofa and love seat we needed to have matching tables so off we went in search of the perfect match. For the new TV we needed to get the right TV stand and that will be ready to pick up this weekend along with the the new recliner to fill that last hole of emptiness next to the rocker. I have to say that I really am enjoying spending my children's inheritance. Bottom line is that I am so happy that Kim loves what we together have put together in this project. She wanted it to look "pretty" which she has achieved and she wanted me to have a recliner. She has also been patient as far as my getting the finishing touches done and if she lets me stay home for awhile [retirement would even be better] I will hopefully be able to finish this job and move on to another. I will update later how it is all coming together but I have to say that the project in this one room is also creating some comfortable areas in other rooms. We are creating comfortable areas for the family to stay when they come to visit but just remember that the recliner was purchased by a very loving wife for ME! I love you all.
o.m.g. you are just too cute :-)From what i can see, it looks great, and i don't even know what a threshold molding is. While i am sad that you had to give up your recliner, i am happy that you are happy because mommy is happy. I hope that you are not still sore! Can't wait to see this in person and enjoy all the new comfy areas. Oh, and the inheritance you have provided for me cannot be spent, except in eternity, and nothing you could ever have given me is better than that! I love you so much!!!